Supreme Court nomination process

How to select a Supreme Court Justice

            Before a Supreme Court Justice can be selected, it appears our political leaders must first engage in a contentious and disturbing battle over which president has the right to make an appointment.  Then, of course, there is the problem of whether the appointee has an agenda revealing a "liberal" or "conservative" treatment of the law.  The President has declared his selection will be a woman, thus reducing the qualified candidates by approximately 50%.

            Whatever happened to the idea that, because this selection is for life-time service, any nomination would be based upon a candidate's history of objective application of the law and legal decisions made without prejudice or personal agenda?

            It would appear the proper selection would be a jurist who limits legal decisions based on provisions of the Constitution without resorting to some sort of modification of the law based on his own personal views.  The Supreme Court is not required to create new law; that job is designated to the Legislative branch of government. 

Piper's Papers


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